COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course’s objectives are the introduction to Greek Drama focusing on Attic Tragedy and the acquaintance with the dramaturgy of Aeschylus and Sophocles; the thematic “focal point” is the fall of the mighty in the Aeschylean and Sophoclean drama.
1) knowledge in the birth and the development of Attic Tragedy
2) use of theatrical terminology
3) acquaintance with the form and the changes of the Theatre of Dionysus in relevance to the Aeschylean and Sophoclean era
4) knowledge, comprehension and ability to comment on the dramatic features of Aeschylus and Sophocles
5) ability to analyze the form and the plot of a tragic play
6) ability to demonstrate the use of the Chorus and of the lyric parts of Attic tragedy
7) knowledge in the context, the motives and the innovations of Aeschylus and Sophocles as play writers
8) interpretation of special features e.g. the reception of myths in the play, the function of the divine in Aeschylean and Sophoclean tragedy, the staging of male and female roles etc.σ
9) use of bibliography on Attic tragedy τη βιβλιογραφία σχετικά με την αττική τραγωδία
10) apprehension of the translation problem (ancient Greek to modern Greek and other languages)